Have you ever heard one of those ads about the juice cleanse in Singapore? Well, I was one of the people convinced to try it. It started when I was feeling a little bloated and needed a change in my diet. So, I decided to try juice cleansing for a whole month. I was always curious about this trend and thought, why not give it a shot?
I was feeling giddy and excited trying juice cleansing in Singapore for the first time. I remember my first day of juicing; I woke up feeling fresh and ready to dive the day.
I started my morning with warm lemon water and followed it with my first green juice of the day. I was a little sceptical about the taste, but to my surprise, it was delicious. I continued to drink green juices, herbal teas, and water throughout the day.
I was feeling good and full of fuel, but as the day went on, my cravings started to kick in. I was used to having a giant breakfast and lunch, but with juice cleansing in Singapore, I had to stick to smaller slices. I was a bit hungry but determined to cling to my juice cleanse. I was constantly drinking water and herbal teas to curb my hunger.
Like any other journey, I hit a roadblock on day three. I was feeling weak, tired and grumpy. I couldn’t help but crave my favourite foods. I reminded myself why I started this journey and wanted to feel better. And boy, I pushed through and I was glad I did! On day four, I woke up feeling rejuvenated and full of energy.
As the days went by, I started to see and feel the benefits of juice fasting in Singapore. My skin was glowing, I had more energy, and I was losing weight. I was feeling great and confident. My friends and family were amazed by my transformation and were asking me for tips.

Weeks later were full of events. One day, I was invited to a fancy dinner party and I was so enticed to cheat on my juice cleanse in Singapore. I decided to be loyal to my regimen and bring my juice.
To my surprise, everyone was impressed by my commitment and dedication to my health. I was the talk of the party and felt like a real-life Kim K.
Like any journey, mine had come to an end. But was it? Towards the end of my juice cleanse, I was feeling awesome. I had lost weight, my skin was more unmistakable, and I had much more fuel. I was proud of myself for trying juice cleanses in Singapore and for taking control of my health.
I ended my juice cleanse with a glass of fresh orange juice, symbolising my newfound love for a healthy lifestyle. I was feeling so good that I decided to continue my healthy habits and make juice cleansing a regular part of my routine.
Antidote Singapore
If you want to know where I get my juice cleanses in Singapore, visit Antidote Singapore. They have tons of juice flavour options! Contact Antidote Singapore today.